Trachoma Elimination and Prevention of Blindness Project.
Background: Jesus Cares Ministries, in collaboration with Geneva Global implemented the Luapula Trachoma Elimination and Prevention of Blindness Initiative project from 2007 to 2011 in Nchelenge and Chienge District. The overall goal was to eliminate blinding Trachoma from the Luapula Valley and deliver comprehensive and cost effective interventions in prevention of blindness through community health education and treatment and care of eye diseases in the three Districts of the Luapula Province.
Achievement and Impact: In 2005, 35% of the Zambia’s rural population had access to water and only 13% had access to sanitation. Thus 4.8 Million people in rural areas did not have access to water supply at that time and 7 million people lacked adequate sanitation facilities. Through this project, JCM and its partners created a ‘beacon province’ or a model for the Government of Zambia of effective eye care services that was replicated in other Provinces and other African countries. At the end of three years the following were accomplished: –
- Blinding Trachoma eliminated.
- Tricia sis cases corrected surgically.
- Population had access to competent treatment and referral system for extra ocular and intraocular eye conditions.
- S.A.F.E strategy embedded in Trachoma Endemic Districts.
- Beacon Prevention of Blindness Province established.
In this project, St. Pauls’ Mission Hospital, Mansa General Hospital and Kitwe Central provided surgery and treat active cases of trachoma in the target districts of Nchelenge and Chienge, while Jesus Cares provided personal hygiene education and provision of water for facial cleanliness, and environmental improvement through environmental hygiene education.